Feel free to download it, and try it out. As I already said, everything is customizeable, and can be tweaked for any user by simple editing of config and. 1234 are mapped to 4512 on numpad, Ult and Grb are 6 and 3 on numpad also, Start is Enter on numpad, and arrows are 789/ on numpad(those are for Tekken players that want to do backdash properly). By deafult, WASD, Esc, Shift, and Space are mapped to their original buttons. Also punches are colored in PS4 button colors, depending on layout of gamepad. 1 2 3 4 is a deafult naming of punches in fighting games, so I named them like that, and not by keyname, as I did with others. The preset was mainly done for MK and TEKKEN, so I named both rage art and x-ray as ult, and grb is grab in MK. You can change any button mapping in config, such as change or add any texture of the button in attached. And I've also done a compact preset for fighting games stylized as minimalistic mechanical keyboard keycaps.